

Zelm is a character in the Pretty Blood: Necro Worm episode.


Zelm is kidnapped off-screen by Rinny and forced to participate in Pretty Blood's necro worm "competition". After killing Cuft the necro worm goes to attack Zelm, but is hit struck by a brick thrown by Leafy, saving her. Zelm then makes her way to a glass room within the arena, being the first to make it there. In the room, she sits in front of the door to keep it open. however it closes automatically pushing her over and locking out Weddle and Leafy, leading to both getting killed by the necro worms. All the necro worms then begin to attack the room Zelm and Gummy were hiding in, making its walls slowly start to crack, with them eventually falling, causing the monsters to break in and chase the two down. They both fled out on to a thin area of glass, both laying down on a moving platform that carries them away. The two sigh in relief, believing they are safe, until Felly, in an infected state, flies in. Zelm is stabbed through the ear and dragged off the platform, then pelted with glass shards by Leafy's infected form before being split in two by Felly, killing her.


Zelm is a light purple rabbit malino with tufts of hair from her cheeks. She also has violet legs, arms and ears, with two bow ties being attached each on the latter.


  • Zelm along with the other malinos in this episode are fan named. This excludes RinnyDede, DadaLeafy and Andy.
  • The better who shot down Felly, put his bet on Zelm. This makes Zelm's death at the hands of Felly rather ironic.


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