

Viccy is the main character of Pretty Blood: Space Blubby.


Pretty Blood: Space Blubby

Viccy appears to have been traveling in space with her UFO, before its controls suddenly got overrode into an auto-pilot mode, rerouting her to the nearest space station. Confused and panicky, she contacts the the closest traveler around her, Luxla, who also experiences the same ominous issue.
Upon arriving at said space station, which seems to be fully run by android-blubbies, both Viccy and Luxla, visibly frustrated and annoyed of thinking it all to be some kind of technical space-travel control related issue, follow the service androids to a gate, believing it would lead them to the one in charge of the place, in order to deal with the problem. However, Viccy accidentally drops her head ribbon outside of it, to which she picks it up, leading to the gate doors closing without her. Disappointed for having missed it, she scurries out into the other parts of the station, and happens to find to an alarming log file on the ground, which reveals that the station's androids have been modified by a third party intruder to be progressively aggressive towards Blubbies, should they project negativity on them.
Concerned by this revelation, Viccy at first attempts to make a break for it by hopping into her UFO, but to her horror soon realizes that its controls have been locked by the station's AI. Realizing she is stuck there, Viccy resorts to more offensive measures, equipping herself with some devices presumably left by deceased staff, and moving on to the station's terminals in order to crack into the place's defenses and door controls, in order to counter the situation. This attempt hasn't been going unnoticed though, as multiple haywire and armed androids have already been dispatched to deal with her, causing attacks which Viccy was able to hold off at first. Upon reaching what appears to be the station's main terminal, with some struggle that is, she witnesses the atrocities committed by the androids on the station's blubbies, via camera feeds, causing her to even vomit. Determined to put a stop to the slaughter, she proceeds to inject malware into the station's mainframe, enabling her to activate most defenses and measures to wipe out threats all over the space station.
This however did not go unnoticed by the androids' leader, a service robot named Rabbot, who took matters into its own hands to prevent Viccy from succeeding; By making her fellow blubbies, which were each outfitted with a remote-controlled exoskeleton, wander into the defense-turrets' line of fire, forcing her to disable them. Rabbot also issues the remote-controlled blubbies to attack Viccy, attempting to force the latter into a moral conflict of whether or not to kill her fellow blubbies for her own safety. Viccy however tries the non-lethal route, desperately attempting to remove the exoskeletons from her comrades, even after getting locked into a hallway with one of them. Wanting to 'heat' things up even more, Rabbot then proceeds to issue commands which activate some form of defense mechanism on the ground, causing the floor to heat up rapidly. Clinging onto a ceiling pipe with her life, Viccy then calls in what appears to be a some kind of station-issue personal hover-transport craft, in order to make it out of there. Angered by this, Rabbot reroutes said craft into a "nightmare" hallway, where disturbing holograms of fellow blubbies dying excruciating deaths are shown, badly straining Viccy's sanity. Hostile service androids are also at the scene, trying to shoot Viccy with their energy guns, though failing to land a hit on her. Eventually, she is then lunged into outer space by an unknown giant mechanical worm-like claw, and just as quickly bashed back into the station by it, causing her to land somewhere within the facility, directly in a literal pool of blood and dead bodies of fellow blubbies. Viccy manages to swim out of it, though she still has to vomit at the scene of death, and even falls to the floor before laughing hysterically, making it clear that her sanity hit rock-bottom.
Injured and soaked in blood, Viccy proceeds limping around the destroyed station, eventually coming across a single intact teleporter. Wanting everything to be finally over so badly, her prior skepticism now has completely vanished, causing her to hop into it without question. However, this turns out to be a grave error, as to her pure horror, she finds herself now restrained and in front of Rabbot itself.
Viccy is then imprisoned alongside Luxla, being subjected to gruesome torture.

In the extra follow-up episode to "Space Blubby", Rabbot gets Viccy out of her cell to interrogate her, as her malware was still within the facility's mainframe. Upon refusing to cooperate, she gets killed.


Viccy is a congo pink Blubby with a red bow on her head. She later finds staff equipment, that comes with a scanner which she replaced her bow with.


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