

Supa is a character in Dream Terror.


Supa first appeared in the beginning as a child in school with all the other malinos, who lived on to live their careers. He was a famous skater adored by many malinos. He was kidnapped by Eluca off-screen.

He was tied up and had his leg burned if he didn’t hold them long enough. Both him and Ron were being tortured alongside each other with their main source of their talents. Later on, Eluca strapped chainsaws above Ron's tongue and Supa's legs. Rinny watches getting erotic satisfaction from the scene. This went on for an estimate of almost 3 hours, eventually the chainsaws sliced off Supa's legs and Ron's tongue.

Eluca released the two off-screen upsetting Rinny. The news reported about the two victims and spoke about Eluca's message about the risks of persuing your talents.

Supa was shown again in the hospital with shocked lifeless eyes; his amputated legs are wrapped in bandages as he watches a video of him skating.


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