

"I want to show you my proud work to rise the strongest, toughest malino."
— Silver, to Obiss.

Silver is the main character of Heterodox Malino: One Insane Wolf, an episode that takes place in the medieval era[1].


In Heterodox Malino: One Insane Wolf he and his brother, Obiss, tend to their respective injuries. Silver would be bandaging a bullet hole in his right leg, while Obiss would be resting on a wooden chair. Silver expresses his frustration by banging his fist on the table and dialoguing. He expresses his frustration over the lost war while also having some plans for recovery. Obiss apologizes for, quote-unquote, "not controlling the troops tactically enough," but Silver reassures his brother that it wasn't his fault; it was the army's fault. Silver brings up a fairly unconscionable plan to get the strongest, toughest malino.

Silver leads Obiss to a door while he's hobbling with an injured leg, with the assistance of his brother. The door reveals a chamber, revealing malinos getting tortured via stress positions with a grayed-out guard on the other side of the room (similar to those seen in the mentioned panels). Silver would smile at these circumstances, and Obiss would be bewildered. He questions his brother about the children, and he explains the reason behind it, saying that it is a "phage of natural selection"[nb 2] that deduces if the children are worth keeping or not.

Even though Obiss has some doubts, he withholds them and doesn't seem to have any objections against Silver's plan of action.

A blue malino struggling from the torture calls Silver "Papa" and wails about how it can't take the torture any longer before Silver loses his temper and shuts it up. Obiss, of course, would ask Silver for the reason the malino called him that and wonder if it was his son. Silver answers that they all believe he is their father, to make them trust him. Obiss has some doubts about Silver's motives and plans, asking him whether or not his plan will work before he reveals his true ulterior motives.

"Don't you trust me, Obiss? The first process is to make them trust me; I have to feed them since their eyes don't even open yet[nb 3]. I've set the policy for commoners[nb 4] to have at least 3 children. Women will live normally unless the war is necessary. All men have to be soldiers, and all the children will gather for the training. I will do everything I can to explore the limits of our species. Even if it means I have to be the enemy of the world, I will find the strongest, most powerful one with whatever strength or ability. We will understand our existence at its best. And then we conquer."
— Silver reveals his true ulterior motives to his brother.



Silver is a blue wolf malino with white markings on his muzzle, whiskers, forehead, ears, and a red snout. He has a scar above his left eye that bled in the episode and a gunshot wound on his right leg that he was tending to at the beginning of the episode.

As for Silver's outfit, his attire is medieval. He wears a dark outfit with something that resembles a sleeveless blue-purple tunic or armor plate, accented with a red scarf draped over one shoulder. Given the chain below his waist, he could be presumably wearing a chainmail hauberk. He wears a pair of pants and shoes. In one image, he's seen alongside a wooden staff topped with a skull above it.


Silver is shown to be an audacious, vain individual with a short temper. Even though he doesn't express pleasure from torturing malinos for his own sake, he expresses that he's proud of his work in the episode. In two instances, he's shown to convey frustration in the episode—the first one being at the beginning of the episode when he's bandaging his wounds, and the second being when he shuts up a blue malino from anger.

He appears to be friendly to his brother, Obiss. Not to mention, he's incredibly determined on his goal to raise the strongest, toughest malino, and will stop at nothing to achieve that feat, even if he has to be the enemy of the world.


  • The title of the episode and Silver's erratic behavior may imply that he is mentally ill or delusional—it's highly likely, given how irrational Silver is and the fact that doesn't express any empathy in the episode.



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