

Sapphire is a character who appears in Parasite Part 2.


In "Parasite Part 2", he's seen in in the manager's office, talking to Zelony, asking for a raise. After being rejected he storms off the office, furious. He'd then eavesdrop a conversation about Nana that Pike and Domee were talking about, which caused him to lie to Domee by saying he has "extra work". Sapphire is later seen next to the convenience store drinking juice. Nana confronts and yells at him to grow up and get out. After she takes over Domee, he checks up on him, then leaves after calling him pathetic.


Sapphire is a blue squirrel malino. He has a white round marking on his face, white and yellow stripes on his tail, yellow whiskers, and a curled tuft of hair with yellow stripes. He wears a gray suit with a white shirt, a maroon necktie, brown pants, and brown shoes.


He's shown to be quite immature and rude, teasing Domee and Nana. And even asking Zelony for a raise when she was talking about his rude behavior. He's also quite stubborn and childish, shown by him puffing up his cheeks when upset.


"Argh… They're so annoying." - First words.

"Come on. This guy can't even talk to a woman! Ha, Look at him, He freezed. Why did you even invited this loser?" - Him talking to Nana about Domee.

"YOU CALL ME A KID?! DESPITE I'M RICHER THAN YOU?!!!" - Shocked at what Nana said.

"Pathetic... Such a waste of my time." - Sapphire being rude.


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