Sadny Bin


Sadny Bin, better known as Mr. Bin, is a recurring character in the Pretty Blood series and the main character in the Technical series.


Mr. Bin was the first human to make contact with the Malinos, linking the two worlds together. This indirectly led to the creation of Pretty Blood.

In "Rinny", Mr. Bin comforts Nappy's spirit after she was murdered by Rinny.

In "Toy Lilly", Nono has a picture of him, which scares Rinny off.

In "The Starter", one of his drones attacks Batric.

In the "Technical" first, second, and third episodes, he frees Pretty Blood's prisoners and kills much of its members by turning their Necro Worm virus against them.

In Technical's fifth episode, "Underground Raiding", he infiltrates an underground facility and murders the staff inside of it. Including Yangsin by stabbing him down with nails and using him as a shield.

In "5000 Sub Special Video", Rinny stumbles upon him while he's talking to a bunny (Implied to be the parasite bunny from CUTEST BUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). The video also confirms he has his own dark web channel called "One man army".


Mr. Bin is an adult human male with black hair, fair skin, and his face is stubble. He is often seen with the "Epic Face" meme, which is sometimes shown in a more realistic and disturbing fashion. He wears a white shirt, green coat, red tie, brown pants, and brown shoes.


Sadny Bin at first glance has a carefree and comedic demeanor, even being a bit bizarre at times, with some examples including him being completely unphased by any physical pain.

Sadny Bin is usually shown to have a sadistic and cunning side, having no remorse for killing Pretty Blood members. Bin is also shown to have excellent combat and tactical skills.

He's able to communicate with ghosts and also has incredible technological capabilities, being able to create advanced creations like holograms that can completely simulate him and Nono, down to their death.


  • Due to Rinny being scared of an image of Mr. Bin in "Toy Lilly", this implies that Rinny knows about Mr. Bin, or at the very least, how much of a threat he is to Pretty Blood.
    • This is now confirmed in the "5000 Sub Special Video", where Rinny inner monologues about Mr. Bin being the one that single-handedly destroyed Pretty Blood's entire army.
  • He's shown to roller skate, as seen in Very Normal Roller Skate and Music: Offensive.
    • He also has shown up the most in Music videos.


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