

Lightsider is the mutated rabbit from lab, the protagonist of Lightsider: APEX Predator. Counterpart to Darksider, they're a brave (yet reckless) super soldier whose agility and skills allows them to take down armies with ease, without even stopping for a brief moment.

Duration 38:10
Current Time 0:09


Being a super soldier stereotype character, Lightsider appears to be a capable character of killing more than 100 characters in a short amount of time.

In "Lightsider: APEX Predator", they use their gear to massacre 113 soldiers.

In "Technical: A Man In The Depth Of Hell", Lightsider appears as a cameo.


Lightsider is a yellow rabbit malino with black eyes. They are also seen with roller skates, a bag with a parachute and other sorts of grey protection.


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