
Hockko is a minor character in Pretty Blood: Rinny.


In "Pretty Blood: Rinny", Hockko is seen at the arcade with his friends, BlubbyBuffarCann, and Rinny. When they go to Rinny's house, Cann lets the others know about what she heard that made her uncomfortable. Rinny then asks them to go upstairs, Hockko rushes through and opens the door, only to witness Bunchy penetrating Nappy's corpse with a chainsaw. He screams as the others walk in, leading the others petrified shortly afterwards. Bunchy realizes that he has been framed so he pulls out two daggers and throws one of them at Rinny, leaving her crying in pain on the floor. This leads to the fight between the squad and Bunchy. Hockko was able to disarm him and was overpowered by Buffar. They left the scene afterwards as Bunchy himself is about to get arrested.

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Hockko is a white and brown dog malino with long ears and black eyes, he wears a white T-shirt with a turquoise fish on it.


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