

"I was born in the world of illness, all people in this world are broken."
— Eluca

Eluca is the main antagonist of Pretty Blood: Dream Terror.


Eluca is a platinum gray porcupine malino with sangria-red eyes, a pink belly and a large, unkempt mane of black hair (supposedly spines). He's dressed in a trenchcoat, pants, and shoes, all black. Underneath his coat, he wears a gray vest, a white shirt, and a navy blue tie.


Unlike his mentor Rinny, who tortures people solely for sadistic fun, Eluca justifies his actions with philosophical delusions. He's nihilistic and misanthropic, believing that the malinos live too perfect lives in their utopia and that they need conflict to be "developed." Eluca considers joy an "illness" and seeks to eradicate it. However, he's still a sadist and enjoys torturing people for the sake of it, something he realized after slashing Berry's hand.


  • Eluca is the first malino character to have full dialogues of voice acting.
  • As seen near the end of Dream Terror, his only kill was unintended and indirectly caused.
  • While it's not uncommon for malinos to wear clothes, like Rinny and her sky blue dress, they're usually only half-clothed. Eluca is one of the few malinos to be fully clothed, with a shirt, pants, and shoes. This could possibly be a hint to his nature of hating malinos and wanting to be more like a human.
  • He states in Just a Neighbors 2 that he's a Goth.
  • Eluca's new voice actor is Anton2fangs.
  • Eluca has a sister named Elisa.


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