

Elma is the surviving heroine of the five protagonists in the Pretty Blood: Red Snow series, along with being featured in an upcoming sequel series. Being a victim of one of Rinny's torture sessions, her mental deterioration lead to her unlocking a berserker like state that even prove difficult for the sadistic Bear and her cronies. She's now wandering the snowy wasteland, struggling to survive.

Duration 36:00
Current Time 0:00
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Elma, alongside all her fellow cabin victims, was kidnapped off-screen and tortured by Rinny, who's responsible for her having her wings cut off by a chainsaw and one of her eyes stabbed out. Alongside her fellow captives, BloonCopperCarl, and Luny, she managed to escape after Copper used a weather-inflicted breach as an opportunity to free himself and the others, while Rinny was asleep; before they all eventually tackled and tied her down. Even after the threat was seemingly neutralized, Elma still hid inside a wardrobe while refusing to come out, though she soon grew hungry, leading to her hesitatingly leave her hiding spot to sit down with the others. They were just growing to be friends, when Rinny escaped captivity, killing Luny with a neurotoxin infused crossbow bolt.

Panic broke out, and even after the survivors put distance between them and Rinny, Elma's paranoia got the best of her, as she visualized a deformed Rinny about to attack them. This led to her taking a short machete from a wall, with her becoming hostile towards allies as well, chasing everyone out of the room. Elma eventually calmed herself down by cutting her hand with it, but then hallucinated Rinny saying hello to her, to which she once again flipped out, and started break room interior. Later, after Rinny killed Bloon and Copper, and was chasing down Carl, Elma accidentally attacked the latter due to mistaking her as Rinny. When Elma realized this, much to her disbelief, Carl was already heavily mutilated and yet barely alive. Shortly after, Rinny attempted to shoot her, but Elma, who broke down to a berserker-like state (and thus having gained increased perception and agility), evaded and put up quite a fight; so much even, that Rinny decided to retreat.

Meanwhile, outside of the cabin, Rinny's mercenary helpers, KimCannyMr. X, and Puzz came to her rescue. Kim and Canny went inside and finished Carl off, before Elma attacked them, slitting Kim's throat and impaling Canny through his mouth. Mr. X who rushed in to provide backup for his squadmates was also no match for her - He got dismembered. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Rinny stole the squad's helicopter to escape, leaving the final mercenary, Puzz, behind. Betrayed, the latter then tried to team up with Elma; however, the latter rejected the offer and ultimately killed her. After that, all alone, Elma then cries in disappointment as the ghosts of her dead friends comfort her. Shortly after, she gave them a proper burial, before aimlessly wandering into the snowy desert. It was there she met a bear that she mistaken for her assailant; but before she’s about to attack him, she collapsed in exhaustion.


Elma is a white bat malino with fangs and a daisy yellow belly. She's dressed in a black cloak with a cowl and bat ears, as well as a white paper crown. As a result of Rinny's torture, she's covered in bruises and bandages, with her left eye being patched up after having endured blunt trauma and her wings were sawn off as well.


Little is known about Elma's personality prior to her abduction by Rinny. When we see her, she's incredibly nervous and mentally fragile, having been tortured by Rinny. Though she seems to be kind, as she at first seems more interested in escaping safely with the other victims rather than taking revenge on Rinny. However, her sanity rapidly deteriorates over the course of events within the cabin, making her hallucinate distorted versions of Rinny whenever she becomes frightened, making her resorting to cutting herself, in order to calm down, implying suicidal thoughts and tendencies. By the time she accidentally mutilates Carl in a fit of hallucinogenic paranoia, her sanity gone to a state of fear and rage as it somehow granted her surprising speed and reflexes as she lashed out on her assailants; even though she became just as dangerous as they are. Although the last surviving member of the mercenary group did succeed to calm her a bit, she shows her intellect as she noted that they're skilled and organized; before she ultimately slaughter her. By the time she's left alone in the snow, she seems to calm down, returning to normal, and she used to be confident but it is now all gone due to her trauma from the ordeal; even though she still hates that bear.


  • Elma resembles Kuromi from "My Melody" by the white skin, black hood and diamond-shaped ears.
    • Along with that, Elma's berserk form resembles Mimikyu from "Pokémon".

      Elma Berserk face resembles Mimikyu’s face.

  • She has two identity cards: one for Red Snow and the other for the upcoming sequel.


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