

Secondary CharactersUnnamed CharactersBackground Characters

Deemy is a secondary character in Toy Lilly.


In the episode "Toy Lilly", Deemy can be first seen in the scene in which Lilly wakes up outside, after having been sedated and operated on during Rinny's party. Under the control of a third party via the inserted endoskeleton, Lilly begins to cry due to pain, which Deemy, being a random passerby during this scene, sees, thus going up to her and attempting to comfort her, of course not knowing what's really happening with her. When this yielded no results, he worriedly asks ask her why she is still crying, to which more malinos approach the scene, including Cheeky who asks what happened, to which Deemy responds with him having no idea. When Lilly, whose movements are now remote-controlled by Rinny via the endoskeleton, stomps on the ground, casuing some blood to splatter, Deemy and the rests of the bystanders start to get scared, with Deemy even calling out to everyone to call an ambulance. After Rinny makes Lilly unwillingly punch and kicked Cheeky, Deemy attempts to intervene, trying to restrain Lilly and calling her cruel and violent, still not knowing that she is being remote-controlled. The tide turns though, as Rinny makes Lilly break free from his grip and slam him to the ground, causing everyone around to get visibly scared. Deemy is not seen for the rest of the episode, though it is safe to say he is still alive, due to a mere throw to the ground usually not being fatal.


Deemy is a cat malino with light brown fur and black eyes, and the inside of his ears and nose are creamy yellow. He wears a sleeveless blue shirt.


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