Dede and Dada


Dede and Dada are two recurring characters in Pretty Blood.

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Dede and Dada are identical twins—they're both brownish-red-striped cat malinos with pink eyes, red pupils, red noses, and yellow bellies. Their heads and torsos are brighter than their limbs, stripes, and ears. They both have dresses with white paw prints and yellow drawstrings, bows with yellow jingle bells, eyelashes, and bows on their tails. Dede wears red clothing, while Dada wears blue to distinguish them.


Not much is known about the twins. If the pictures in Just a Neighbor and the 5-minute cutaway in The Twins are taken into account, it could be seen that they've been shown to be playful, innocent, and optimistic before the torture, with Dada generally being more expressive than her sister (as shown on Batric's database and the other examples).


Dede and Dada are two young sisters who were kidnapped by Rinny (as seen in Just a Neighbor) while they were playing in a field unattended. They were given to Andy, who planned to use them for his Twin Telepathy[nb 1] test.

In Living Hell, they make their first appearance. Both sisters are bound by a large metal bar and handcuffs, making them immobile. In the episode, Andy and the twins are seen watching Rina Pompom get brutally tortured. In the last setting of the episode, Batric is seen getting off the golden ship to enter the torture chambers. As he does so, he opens up a database of the twins.

In the sequel, The Twins, Batric is seen in the halls. In the episode, an unnamed humanoid vigilante unsuccessfully attempts to pounce at Batric with a chainsaw, and he ends up exploding into pieces due to Batric's incredibly sharp claws, with his head hitting one of the twins (presumably Dada[nb 2]), causing her to pass out and leaving her head splattered with blood. Batric walks into the chambers and proceeds to punt the other twin with his shoes, after which he uses his strength to lift the metal bar and the twins simultaneously, choking both twins in the process. As he does so, he bangs them on the glass where Rina Pompom is tortured on the other side, causing the other twin's nose to bleed. After relentlessly booting them on the face, Batric would strap them to a contraption that attempted to drown them as he whipped the twins, and the episode ends shortly after that.

In Necro Worm, they're tortured by Andy. They are strapped to two wheelchair-like contraptions that would force them to laugh as they watched the Necro Worm contest; failure to do so results in them getting electric shocks from the contraption. In the Newgrounds version[nb 3] (near the end of the episode), Andy deactivates the apparatus and moves them away, leading them to an unknown fate.

In the non-canon commission episode Just a Neighbor, they'd both be shown on the gray book that Andy inspected after it fell from the bookshelf. They'd be avenged by Kling, who would proceed to torture, interrogate, and behead Andy at the end of the episode.


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