

David is a lawbreaker criminal cat malino who appeared, and got killed off in Why so many people escaped the prison.


He was seen being interrogated by Mr. Bin. He was then sent to a Jupiter-like planet as his execution. We could tell that before he was sent to prison, he raped/tortured Sara to death.


David is a white cat malino with black eyes, he wears a gray space suit.


David seems to be a really sadistic malino, enjoying Sara's screams and cries of agonizing pain as her "Beautiful Voice". He also knows about Sadny Bin. He has no remorse and wasn't even scared of death.


"Hello, Officer." - First words.

"Do you wanna know how I feel while having fun with Sara? She is a good girl…In fact, Very talented girl. She practiced singing everyday in the karaoke room for her contest. She want to win the award so that she can help her family financial." - About Sara, information no. 1

"She is so lovely, That's why I chosen her. I took her to my house playing with other girls I owned.. I still remember when I crushed her while forced her to sing a beautiful voice. Her hand was shaking as I tied her every possible spot I see, She struggled in tear, Crying, And that is the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. At the end of many years together, I still keep her clothe in my house….CLEAN IT EVERYDAY……" - Information no. 2

"Your look is very unexpected…. So you are the human…? If not a human, What can you be? A Monster?" - Said to Sadny Bin.

"This is such a beautiful place… I feel every single thing of it. It hurt so much, It hurts greater…!!! AND GREATER!!!!" - Close to last words.

"Is that....Earth? We are so……. Small…." - Last words, before getting boiled from the inside-out.


  • David's criminal charges are thievery, kidnapping, rape, torture, and lastly murder.
  • David was voiced by the same person who voiced Kling in Just a Neighbor.


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