

"But that is against the law!"
— Carl

Carl is a character in the Pretty Blood: Red Snow series.

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Carl was befriended by Rinny off-screen and was kidnapped off-screen by her and tortured.

While Rinny was asleep during a stormy night at the snow cabin, Carl, alongside BloonCopperLuny and Elma, managed to break free from captivity and overpowered her. Carl and Copper wanted to spare Rinny, though she eventually escaped nonetheless and proceeded to kill Luny. Amidst the resulting panic, the heroes then hid in a room, only for Elma's sanity to break and her giving in to madness, leading to the group separating themselves from her out of fear for their lives. Bloon and Copper soon went out to look for Rinny, while Carl stayed behind. And although the former two managed to locate their target, Rinny was one step ahead of them and quickly incapacitated both by shooting off their limbs with a shotgun, only to sadistically kill the two off, with use of plastic bags. She then went looking for Carl, but the latter used her bubble ability to hide above the door and ambush her chaser with a hammer. Rinny again tried to gaslight Carl, pretending to be possessed by a demon, but Carl wasn't having none of that and proceeded to pull the trigger of the shotgun she had took after disarming Rinny, after the latter threateningly started to slowly pull out a hidden handgun.

The shotgun was empty. Rinny, once again, was a step ahead of her foes.

Carl just barely escaped from her, after Rinny pulled out her handgun in an attempt to neutralize her. In her panic, Carl tried to find a weapon to fend for herself, and after checking a medicine cabinet and commenting that she wouldn't need any medication just yet, she is jumped and tackled by Elma, who proceeded to brutally mutilate her with a Machete, while imagining her as Rinny.

Later, Carl, barely alive, is found by Kim and Canny, with the former finishing her off when she asked for help.


Carl is a pink rabbit malino. Her belly and the insides of her ears are yellow. Her torso and head are colored "cornflower lilac". She has blue eyes and a little tuft of orangish pink hair on her head.


Carl is a caring member of the group, quickly becoming close with Copper and Elma. However, she does not like Luny's and Bloon's views on the fate of Rinny, deeming them immoral.


  • Due to the lack of varied voice acting, and her name being Carl, many people who saw Red Snow thought that Carl was male.
    • It is possible that Сarl is short for "Clara" or "Carly".
  • Her nickname "Bloody Bunny" by Kim could be a nod to another indie animation franchise bearing the same name.


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