

"So you would rely on cop? I wouldn't. If the cops are so good, then why we are here? Countless corpses inside the home..."
— Bloon

Bloon is a character in the Pretty Blood: Red Snow series.

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Red Snow

Bloon is one of the main-five Cabin Victims in Red Snow, having been kidnapped by Rinny, alongside LunyCopperCarl and Elma, with the exact details of each of their abductions being unknown.
In his captive state, Bloon had been tied up to a wall, with him clearly in excruciating pain. However, while the victims' captor Rinny was asleep, a heavy snow storm overnight caused a tree to fall and breach a wall at Copper's spot of captivity. This allowed the latter to escape from his restraints, and he soon would quickly free the others, including Bloon, as well, allowing the survivors to overpower Rinny and tie her down while she was still asleep. Bloon uses his gained freedom to snoop around the cabin, rummaging through various drawers and boxes, in order to find weapons. He is thus also the one to find Rinny's pink camcorder, which houses incriminating evidence against her and her crimes. Upon the latter waking up fully restrained and realizing the situation, Bloon is the only one in the group who suggests killing her without further ado, reasoning this with her being too dangerous to keep alive, though Luny objects and drags Rinny into a separate room, to let her have a taste of her own medicine. Afterwards, in a moment of calm, with Bloon, Carl and Copper trying to settle down and regain strength by eating, Bloon hands Elma back her ID card when the latter decided to join them. Luny too came out the room, leaving Rinny unattended, to join in.
Unfortunately for the group, the perpetrator manages to free herself; Rinny breaks out of captivity and starts hunting down the survivors, with Luny getting killed first by getting shot with a neurotoxin-tipped crossbow bolt. Bloon attempts to neutralize the threat by grabbing a salvaged AK-47, however, much to his shock has to realize that someone took out its ammo. Fleeing into a different room and barricading it, Bloon finds out that Copper is the one who did so, and starts fuming. It doesn't help at all when Elma begins to panic and ask had killed Luny, to which Copper replies with the stern truth: Rinny.
The mentioning of her name causes Elma to snap, as she grabs a nearby machete mounted on a wall, and becomes hostile towards the rest of the survivors. Bloon and Co. are quick to evacuate to a different room, fearing for their lives. This is also when Bloon has had enough of Copper's well-meant, but ultimately counterproductive behavior, even leading to him starting to get violent physically and calling him various intelligence-related insults.
Still wanting to take Rinny out, Bloon decides to go for a risky plan; Using the empty assault rifle to bluff and make her surrender, with Copper's shock-ability being the emergency plan, in case it goes south. With that mind, Bloon and Copper both head out the barricaded room, while Carl stays behind. However, the plan backfired horribly, when Rinny put up quite some resistance, and Copper's electroshock missing its target and hitting Bloon instead. Rinny uses this window of opportunity, picks up a shotgun she was in the middle of reloading earlier, and shoots off both Copper's and Bloon's limbs, rendering the two immobile. She then proceeds to wrap each of their heads in a plastic bag to sadistically finish them off via asphyxiation.
Bloon later reappears in a hallucination by a lone Elma, who buried his and the other survivors' bodies in the snow to pay her respects.


Bloon is a maya-blue rabbit malino with alien-armpit/olive-drab eyes, a yellow underbelly and fluffy cheeks. He wears a red dress with orange accents, and a pink bowtie. In an earlier episode, he had an orange bear symbol on the back of his dress.


Bloon follows a more logical route than the other cabin victims and has a survivor mentality. He's often straight to the point with what he wants, immediately opting to kill Rinny to get it over with. He is also organized and takes on tasks with a proper plan, searching every room he can find for more information about where they are and how they can survive. Bloon is often blunt to the other cabin victims, especially to Copper's hesitant and pacifistic actions. While he can keep his emotions in touch in tricky situations for the most part, whilst also keeping his blunt nature, Bloon's temper quickly fumes when Copper's pacifistic attitude caused Luny to get killed and Elma to go insane, leading to him pushing his pent-up anger onto Copper, insulting his intelligence and beliefs in a situation like this.


  • Bloon’s design heavily resembles Buster Bunny from Tiny Toon Adventures.


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