

Birdia is a character from the Technical miniseries.


Prior to the Technical series, Birdia had been held captive alongside fellow malinos within Pretty Blood's underground facility hidden underneath the "Malino Land" theme park, being subjected to torment and torture day-in and out.

Technical: Inhuman

Upon the malino-riot caused by Nono and Sadny Bin, who both have intruded into the facility to free captive malinos, Birdia and the rest of the now free captives join up with them, after the two convinced them all to be on their side by communicating via a drone. The little army of malinos then proceeds to push through the assault waves Pretty Bloods throws at them, and although this was exhausting and straining, Nono holds a speech to uplift them. This speech makes Birdia openly acknowledge her leadership skills, and he cheers along with the rest of the mob, ready to put his foot down.
In a later moment of peace, Birdia uses the chance to introduce himself to Nono, and compliments her by calling her "cute and brave", and stating how he wants to be like her, though he still appears to be wary and less trusting around her companion Sadny. When Nono has to get up-close to Birdia to show him her advanced contact lenses, he gets flustered and blushes, which Nono uses to jokingly tease him, much to his discomfort and denial.
There aren't any more interactions with Birdia after this scene, though it is safe to say that he makes it out of the facility with the rest of the malinos.


Birdia is a red bird malino with a white stomach and face. He has a yellow beak, as well as yellow feet, alongside blue wings and eyes.


Birdia is shown to be quite forward and direct, not shying away to openly compliment Nono, or even show his disapproval for Sadny's sense of humour and lighthearted mind. He also is shown to be empathic, crying at the sight of a dead fellow malino. At the same time however, Birdia can also be extremely timid when being called out for his feelings, as seen when Nono points out that he seems flustered because of her.


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