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Affiliation / Faction


Andy is a recurring antagonist in the Pretty Blood series.


Andy is a light-yellow dog malino with blue eyes, orange ears, and square frameless glasses with a long snout and a light orange nose. He dresses like a regular scientist, with a head mirror and a white lab coat. In Just a Neighbor, he wears an orange sweater, khaki pants, and brown shoes.


In contrast to every other antagonist in the series, Andy is never depicted as cruel or delighting in the suffering of others. His goal is to progress military technology and science. He claims that he wants to provide super soldiers to the malinos in order to strengthen their forces. In addition, he genuinely loves his wife. However, Andy is still extremely cruel and evil, as his experiments are torturous and fatal. He also has no issue torturing children to achieve his goals.

In two Pretty Blood episodes (Living Hell and The Twins), he doesn't seem to deviate from his inquisitive look when experimenting and observing his victims. The only trace of personality seen in Andy is when he chats with Batric about his doubts on the Rabbit Pain Limit Test experiment, where Batric would proceed to ghost Andy afterwards.

In Just a Neighbor, he's seen as more expressive. He mostly acts neutrally at the beginning of the episode. When he's walking to Kling's house or eating his dinner, it can easily be deduced that he appears to be flattered by Kling's offer. He also shows some sense of humor, calling himself a "workaholic". As the episode goes on, he noticeably becomes sterner and more intolerant when Kling laughs at the show he's watching and makes a little joke about shocking Andy. He can be seen cautious in the episode once he realizes that Kling knows his secret. He doesn't lose that stern expression when he gets captured by Kling, even developing a smug attitude in the process—however, that attitude diminishes whenever Kling reveals that he has his wife, Stacy, also captured; after which, he'll show anger and true care for his wife before getting beheaded by Kling.


Andy is an employee for Pretty Blood, working as a scientist who leads their research programs. He works with Batric, presumably being his co-worker.

Pretty Blood

In Living Hell, he's seen at the beginning of the episode. He can be seen observing his experiments with a curious expression. One of them involves a cat malino being mauled by a Necro Worm parasitoid, and the other is the Rabbit Pain Limit Test where Rina Pompom gets tortured. He proceeds to send Batric the following messages:

"Batric, is she worth $50,000? Did I spend money on this project for nothing? Chat to me. Is being talkless [sic] in real life not enough?"
— Andy's messages to Batric.

However, Batric proceeds to ghost and ignore Andy's messages altogether. Aside from the Rabbit Pain Limit Test, there would also be the Twin Telepathy Test, which involves the torture of the twins—Dede and Dada; only Batric can be seen torturing them in the episode, though.

In Necro Worm (only on Newgrounds)[nb 2], he would still be torturing the twins by electrocuting them on wheelchair-like contraptions while they were forced to watch the Necro Worm gladiator match. At the end of the episode, Andy would operate a control panel that disabled the contraptions and moved the contraptions with Dede and Dada away. After that moment, there would be no information on the twins' fates whatsoever.

Just a Neighbor

In the non-canon episode Just a NeighborKling befriends Andy, who claims to be a friend of his wife, Stacy. When both individuals would be watching TV, Kling would leave to go to the bathroom. During Kling's absence, Andy would eventually come to find out that Kling knew about his work by opening one of the books that fell from the living room's bookshelf, which would contain several pictures of his victims.

"This guy knows my secret..."
— Andy monologuing to himself after finding out.

While attempting to leave, Andy would immediately try to leave Kling's house. Much to his horror, Kling would tranquilize him as soon as he was about to escape. Soon after, Andy would regain consciousness, and his new adversary would attempt to interrogate him. As mentioned before, Andy would assert that he has Malinos' best interests at heart while also calling Kling a fool. Kling would proceed to torment Andy by stabbing him on the knees.

After that, Andy would regain his smug attitude, mocking Kling for "not knowing anything." Andy's demeanor would instantly shift after finding out that Stacy—his wife—is also restrained. He becomes aggrieved and begins insulting Kling in a fit of rage. Kling would continue interrogating Andy until he decided to stab Andy's head and decapitate him.

In the sequel, Just a Neighbors 2, he appears in the end as a cameo with a scribbled "X" on it alongside Eluca, before the screen shifts to Batric's cameo.


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